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  • Writer's pictureNina

Cashew Fruit

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Did you know that a Cashew nut comes from a fruit? Traveling in Costa Rica was the first time I learned that! The Cashew trees produce a soft fruit (when ripened) and each fruit contains only one cashew nut. If you are a cashew lover, enjoy every savory bite as the effort to obtain just one cashew is tedious!

Recommendation: If you are a "daredevil", be sure to taste the fruit of a Cashew. I did!

Fun Fact: The Cashew fruit has health benefits including boosting the immune system and preventing cancer cells from duplicating. The Costa Rican locals tend to make a special Cashew drink with sugar to help boost their child's immune system when they are sick.

Ripe Cashew Fruit



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